A savings plan that allows you to save a set amount each month and receive a large sum of money when the plan matures. DPS plans can offer a variety of maturity and installment options.
A savings plan that allows you to save a set amount each month and receive a large sum of money when the plan matures. DPS plans can offer a variety of maturity and installment options.
Bank fund transfer refers to the process of moving money from one bank account to another. This can be done through various means, including online banking, mobile banking apps, wire transfers, Bank fund transfer refers to the process of moving money from one bank account to another.
A Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) is a financial instrument that provides a higher interest rate than a regular savings account. FDRs are also known as Time Deposits in Western countries. When you open an FDR, a bank or financial institution issues a document that serves as a record of your investment. The FDR contains important information about the fixed deposit, such as the deposit amount, interest rate, and maturity date.
A loan is a sum of money that a person or company borrows from a bank or other financial institution, with the agreement to repay the principal amount plus interest over a set period of time. Loans can be used for a variety of purposes, such as buying a car, paying for education, or starting a business.
In banking, a referral can have multiple meanings, including a loan application that requires manual review and a program that allows customers to refer friends and family:
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